We offer wide range of ship-repair from Asia to South America, Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Under-Water Inspection and Cleaning Services, collision repair, M.E. Liner replacement other piping system of the vessel.

JM McGregor Haggens, Ltda (Brazil) offers a full range of industrial services in industrial engineering, construction, maintenance, turnarounds, maritime, and specialty services spare parts for deck and engine.

Port of Santos, Manaus, Belem, Fortaleza, Salvador, Port Acu, Port Itaqui, Rio Grande, Recife, Port Suape, Rio de Janiero, Port Vitoria, Port Santarem, Paranagua, and Port Aratu.

Engineers with decades of Seagoing vessel experience and the Shipbuilding industry, to satisfy the client's requirements and maintain a quality standard of services.

Shipyard Repair

JM McGregor Haggens, Ltda. Brazil offers a range of shipyard repairs for any type of vessel such as oil tankers, bulk carriers, container ships, and LNG.

Voyage Repair

Our company team of high-caliver Filipino - Brazilian experienced engineers, marine fitters, and marine technicians will be able to undertake any voyage repair.

Certified Marine Fitter

The riding team specialist certified in accordance with the American Welding Society AWS D.1, ASME-1X, and IMWS 4.0 of International Maritime Welding Society.

Annual Safety Inspection

We offer annual safety inspections for lifesaving, bridge communication system, fire fighting equipment.



> Vessel class inspection (In-water survey)
> Hull cleaning & propeller polishing
> Hull repair (ABS, DNV, NKK, other class approved
> Rudder repair
> Wet welding & cutting
> Propeller repair & re-balancing
> Propeller replacement / installation PBCF
> Azimuth thruster replacement
> Tail shaft/ rudder clearance measurements
> Search and recovery of lost chains, anchors and steel objects
> Blanking of sea chest minor and major repair
> Emergency ships salvage
> OperationPhoto and video reporting.

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